School Services

Get the most out of your child’s education and have a collaborative team approach to gain consistency across all settings.

Behavior therapist shaking hand with the parent

Individualized Education Evaluation (IEE)

When disagreements over services and/or placement occur among the IEP team, an IEE is available to parents as an option to get an outside opinion about the evaluation or decision in question.

Dr. Haak has extensive experience in the IEE process and will aid in bridging the gap between families and their child’s school when disagreements arise.

Elementary student smiling

School IEP/504 Consulting and Advocacy

Dr. Haak has extensive knowledge of the IEP/ARD process, having been a special educator herself. We offer consultation services with your child’s school team to help you understand your child’s rights, to help you understand what services are being recommended by the school, and to help you advocate for additional services based on your child’s needs.