1:1 ABA therapy ensures that your child gets the individualized care necessary for the most successful outcomes.

Parent Training
During parent training, you can expect to learn about the basics of behavior principles and how those principles might help to reduce challenging behavior and increase skill acquisition.
We will start working with you during daily routines where challenges exist.

Individual 1:1 ABA Therapy
Our 1:1 ABA therapy programs are individualized to meet your child’s specific needs.
We use formal and informal assessments as well as work closely with you to create a program that will enable your child to increase desired skills and decrease challenging behavior. The strategies we use are evidence-based and are most likely to be effective in achieving the desired outcomes.

School Shadowing (in private settings)
We have highly trained technicians that will accompany your child at school, providing support throughout the day or at specified times of the day.
Your child will have goals and objectives that they work on each day, and you will receive daily reports on their progress through our dynamic, online data collection system.

Potty Training
Potty training is a skill that can take longer for children with special needs to master. We will work with you to create an individualized plan to help your child learn this skill.

Supervision of Technicians
We provide supervision of technicians working with your child in accordance with the recommendations made by the BACB. We ensure that technicians are trained to work with your child when they begin providing services, and we continue to supervise them on an ongoing basis.
We also provide supervision of hours for those technicians wishing to seek their BCBA certification.